
Live Music – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

By 29/01/2020 No Comments

The Good

Everyone loves live music, right? There’s nothing quite like the atmosphere it can generate, bringing back fond memories, creating new ones and providing an escape from the pressures of everyday life. Whether you’re a foot tapper, a dancefloor regular or the off-key singer standing right behind me, the atmosphere that it can generate is fantastic! It helps you discover new music, allows you to see your favourite songs in a whole new light, and provides a healthy outlet for your emotions. In fact, a recent study by behavioural scientist Patrick Fagan and O2 (who of course sponsor a series of academy music venues across the UK) says that that live music can improve emotional wellbeing by more than 20 per cent! What more of an excuse do you need? If you’re interested in seeing who is playing at your local O2 academy, visit, and replace “leeds” with your nearest big city!

The Bad

Of course, nothing is perfect, and sadly live music is no exception. Concerts in large venues can lose their atmosphere, with people towards the back watching the spectacle on screens flanking the stage, losing the up-close-and-personal factor. Of course, the opposite can almost be as bad, as small venues can feel cramped and claustrophobic. Sometimes you go to the concert hoping to hear a band’s classic hits, and instead you’re hit with boring “new material”, leaving you unfulfilled and unimpressed. All of this, and we haven’t even mentioned that one tall guy who could stand literally anywhere in the venue, but instead chooses the spot directly in front of you. Humph.

These are, however, just bumps along the road to a fantastic experience. These hurdles are easy to jump and there is no reason why you cannot have a great time anyway. In fact, imperfections can add to the character of an event and make those memories even sweeter. There’s never a rainbow without a little rain.

The Ugly

The day that the camera phone was invented was a dark day for live music. Introducing: the social media zombie. If a band plays in a venue, and nobody has posted the gig on social media, have they even played? For the social media zombies, the band may as well not have played. They could have just watched it on YouTube!

However, for those at home unwilling or unable to pay an extortionate sum (sometimes upwards of £70) and go to see their favourite band, YouTube is a blessing, allowing them to soak up some of the atmosphere of a live performance from the comfort of their living room. Maybe zombies aren’t so bad after all.

The Verdict

At the end of the day, nothing completes a great party or night out better than a live band. Live music can provide a soundtrack to special moments in your life, helping to create lifelong moments to cherish. Ignore the bad and the ugly, live music is definitely good. If live music be the food of love – play on!

Live music is for everyone, and if you want to find a gig near you, whether it be in a pub, club, or arena, check out gig guide’s free search tool at Gig guide  and find the perfect show for you! If you want to book a band for your event, you’ll find loads of fantastic options here: Our bands



Author Melody

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