
My Angel Child

By 20/09/2022 No Comments

My Angel Child

My Angel Child is probably the saddest song I’ve ever written. Co-written and produced by Mark Walker, it is inspired by so many of my friends who have had to deal with heart-breaking chapters in their lives, reminding people that they will be okay and that their angels are safe now. The song was written to raise money for 4Louis, which is a UK charity that works across the country to support anyone affected by miscarriage, stillbirth or the death of a baby or child.

My Angel Chid

My Angel Child

Founded by the incredibly brave and inspiring Kirsty McGurrell, they also work to improve the care bereaved families receive from health care and other professionals. Find out more here. I just hope that it manages to raise enough money for 4Louis to make a difference, and that this song can help you find peace.

Melody and Mark

I’m honoured to be able to help such a wonderful charity and would also like to thank everyone for your support and wonderful comments.

You can watch the video by Sally Molineaux at Molineaux Productions and also find more of her fantastic work here.

You can download your copy of My Angel Child (with all proceeds going directly to 4Louis), or donate directly to 4Louis.

Any Questions? Get in contact.


Author Melody

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