Stronger Together Talk Mental Health.
The fabulous Stronger Together Talk Mental Health event took place at Towcester Racecourse in Northampton.
On Saturday 10th September, Melody our CEO & Founder of Live Band Entertainment, had the privilege of performing her original songs at a fundraiser event held at Towcester Racecourse.
All three songs were written for Suicide prevention.
Melody is passionate about supporting the zero suicide alliance.
The songs she sang were But We Do.
Stay (lyrics by Olivia Mulligan)
To the brother, to the uncle
To the friend we love and know
To the cousin, the step-son
Bravely putting on a show
As we look towards the sunrise
Remembering you each day
As we look towards the sunrise
We know there was another way
To the mother, to the aunty,
To the one who’s not ok
To the daughter, to the best friend
We are asking you to stay
As we look towards the sunrise
Remembering you each day
Your legacy was born,
In our hearts you’ll stay
As we look towards the sunrise
We know there was another way
To others fighting in silence
We are asking you to stay – STAY!!!!
To the grandson, to the boyfriend
To the one so very strong
Please stay to see the sunrise, stay
Here with us, in this world, you belong
She also performed Without Hope along with some uplifting, fun sing alongs.
The event was hosted and organised by Nick Wilson ambassador of and was raising funds and awareness for this incredible charity!
As well as Melody, there was local singer/songwriter Scott Walters, and a huge raffle and auction.
Melody came away with a wonderful collection of canvas art by Steve Abbott of Abbott’s Art & Design.
Here’s what she had to say about the event:
“I had a lovely evening last night with Nick Wilson at his STRONGER TOGETHER EVENT!
I met some beautiful people, especially the stunning Debbie Tustin (look at those eyes 💙)
It was so wonderful to be able to sing my own songs, I was very nervous, but secretly loved every second!
“Ask once, ask twice, ask again”
“Take action”
“Even in your darkest moments, you’ve got this! I promise you, you’ve got this!!!”
I feel so blessed to have such an amazing support network around me, friends (old and new) and my fabulous family. Remember everyone, we need to look out for each other. Ask once, ask twice, and ask again”
If you or anyone you know is struggling with their mental health, there are people who can help:
Visit Samaritans or phone 116 123, lines open 24/7
Visit Papyrus or call 0800 068 4141 phone lines open 9am til midnight every day. Papyrus is a charity for the prevention of young suicide.
There’s also loads of really helpful information on the Rethink website, from who you can contact in a crisis, to how to help someone else in that situation. Please don’t just sit back and let someone else deal with it. The change starts with me, and with you.